Cathedral Now, Cathedral Forever

The Adopt-A-Student’s historic $60 million campaign to fund Cathedral’s mission and educate the next century of scholars.

As Cathedral High School approaches our centennial celebration in 2026, we do so knowing there is nothing more important than ensuring our life-changing mission will continue to transform the lives of deserving young students for decades to come.

In 2021, with that goal in mind, the Adopt-A-Student Foundation launched the most ambitious campaign in the school’s storied history and one of the most impressive fundraising efforts in Catholic education across the country!  Fueled by an unprecedented $30 million match by a proud Cathedral alum, the $60 million Cathedral Now, Cathedral Forever campaign set out to sustain Cathedral’s mission for the next century!

We are proud to announce that we have officially surpassed the $60 million goal for the Adopt-A-Student Foundation’s Cathedral Now, Cathedral Forever campaign. 

Campaign Impact to Date

Cathedral scholar smiling with microscope in front of them

Endow life-changing scholarships that eliminate financial barriers for low-income families to obtain a strong Catholic education.

In our unique financial model, tuition represents less than 10% of Cathedral’s revenue.

Recruit, attract, and retain top-quality teachers who are instrumental in educating Cathedral scholars.

On average, Cathedral teacher salaries have increased by 20% over the past three years, a reflection of our commitment to teaching excellence, and we need to continue to reward their critical work.

Two Cathedral scholars holding handmade pottery

Develop necessary programs for an engaging and transformative student experience.

Examples include expanded internship opportunities, the establishment of the Daley Center for Campus Ministry, and strengthened STEAM programs.

Cathedral Facilities

Maintain our historical campus that serves as a second home to our scholars.

Critical building upgrades and repairs including boiler, roof, lighting, building facade, and classroom improvements are in progress and require further investment.

Cathedral Graduate with President Dan Carmody and Principal Karl Danso

“It is so motivating to know that the anonymous $30 million donor was once a Cathedral student in the same shoes as me. Someday, I will give back to Cathedral students because I know their potential – just as you know my potential and invested in me. Thank you to all who have contributed to the Cathedral Now, Cathedral Forever campaign. You’ve helped me reach the level of readiness that I need to be successful in my future as a student at Wentworth Institute of Technology and as a future architect.”

Laura ’24
CHS Student

Campaign Leadership

His Eminence, Cardinal Seán Patrick O’Malley, OFM Cap, Honorary Chair

His Eminence, Cardinal Seán Patrick O’Malley, OFM Cap

Honorary Chair

Sr. Marly Black at the Gala

Sister Mary Black, CSJ

Honorary Chair

Peter Lynch, Honorary Chair

Peter Lynch

Honorary Chair

James Curvey, Executive Chair

James Curvey

Executive Chair

C. Michael Daley ’54 and Janet Richards Daley ’55, Executive Chairs

C. Michael Daley ’54 and Janet Richards Daley ’55

Executive Chairs

Dorothy and John J. Remondy '54, Executive Chairs for Cathedral Fundraising Campaign

Dorothy and John J. Remondi ’54

Executive Chairs

Paul Bubsy, Co-Chair for Cathedral Fundraising Campaign

Paul Busby


John Drew, Co-Chair

John Drew


Bob O'Neill, Co-Chair

Bob O’Neill


Jay Allen, Leadership Committee

Jay Allen

Leadership Committee

Paul Fransisco '89, Leadership Committee

Paul Francisco ’89

Leadership Committee

Mike Muldowney, Leadership Committee

Mike Muldowney

Leadership Committee

Rev. Msgr. Kevin O’Leary, Leadership Committee

Rev. Msgr. Kevin O’Leary

Leadership Committee

Karen O’Toole, Leadership Committee

Karen O’Toole

Leadership Committee

Christopher Remondi

Christopher Remondi

Leadership Committee

Double your Impact

The Cathedral Now, Cathedral Forever campaign offers donors at all levels a wide range of opportunities to make a difference in the futures of Cathedral High School scholars. When you invest in the Adopt-A-Student Foundation and Cathedral scholars, you make a lasting impact, and your gift to the CNCF campaign will be doubled through the generous $30 million match. We are so grateful for your support and interest in our mission!

  • Gifts of Cash
  • A Planned gift to the Sister Mary Black Legacy Society – including legacy bequests, appreciated securities, donor-advised funds, gifts from an IRA, annuities, and more. Planned gifts will be matched for those 80 years or older 
  • Student Scholarship Endowments: A donation of $25k or more, plus the match, created a named scholarship fund to support our students in perpetuity
  • Capital investments and naming opportunities
  • Gifts in Honor or in Memory of a loved one
  • Employer Matching gifts
  • And more! 

Learn more about AASF’s Cathedral Now, Cathedral Forever campaign

Thursday 2/6/25:
School Closed due to Weather

Due to the weather forecast, Cathedral High School will be closed on Thursday, February 6, 2025.

Current families and scholars: Refer to your email for further details. 

Thank you!

Announcing our fall OPEN HOUSE!

100% of Cathedral scholars earn acceptance into college, many with incredible scholarships and financial aid.

Learn how we help scholars reach their college aspirations